Project Description
Hairline Lowering Transplants from Men & Women
Hair Clinic Dubai is leading authority and highly specialized in ultra natural hair line transplants. We perform state-of-the-art hairline transplants for men and women. To achieve most realistic results, our expert surgeon will explain a hairline plan design specifically for each individual. The newly restored hairline will look absolutely natural because in-fact, it is not a line. Our ultimate goal of a hairline transplant is undetectable.
Hair Line Defines Natural & Youthful Look Of A hair Transplant.
Newly designed hair line must have two superior features. First, it should be natural looking. Second, it should be individualized. Why these aspects are so important because frontal hairline, more than any area of our scalp, defines the end result of hair line transplant. The hairline will be observed daily by the individual and rest of the world. The result of hairline restoration re-frames person’s facial and over all look. Natural appearing hairline with proper density will be responsible for optimum aesthetic results of any hair transplant procedure. To achieve fuller, thicker and youthful hair transplant outcome, it is significant to know that a scientific and artistic approach is required to design a very realistic looking hairline. This valuable aspect indicates that hair surgeon must make exact slits with proper angle for each graft that ensures the placement of hairs and this will allow the hair to grow in right direction. Actually hair line is a signature of your surgeon and you will wear it the whole life.
The area at the top of our forehead from where our hair on head starts growing or the region where the forehead merges with the scalp hair called “Hairline”. Because of popularity of modern hair restoration and new development in quality of techniques, today many individuals consider hair transplants for hairline restoration. It is absolutely possible to create a natural hairline through hair transplant surgery. However, they should understand that it is normal to change the position of hairline as we grow older.

Natural Shapes of Hairlines
Human forehead hairline has different types and shapes. Each shape is unique and requires special attention, vision and personifies aesthetic in order to restore. These shapes occur due to genetic, hair loss or ethnicity.
- Straight hairline
- Oval hairline
- V shaped hairline
- Receding and mature hairline
- High and low hairline
Straight Hairline: This is a normal frontal hairline considered in men. Straight hairline provides a balanced look of forehead and face.
Mature and Receding Hairline: Due to Male Pattern Baldness hairline recedes from left and right temporal zones. This type of hairline is common for older males. However, sometime this shape can appear in females because of hair loss. Some individuals don’t like this matured shaped hairline and consider transplantation as an option to make their hairline look younger.
Oval Hairline: Round or oval hairline is when forehead looks oval shaped due to hair growth on top of forehead. This type of hairline is very common in females. Sometimes individual may feels thinning and seek hair transplant to make thicker hairline.
V Shaped Hairline: This is a typical frontal hairline. Hair appears in V shape and hair grows in different directions. This may appear in front of forehead or may appear on the back of frontal hairline. Wherever, it occurs it’s clearly noticeable. Individuals may consider hair transplant to enhance forward this type of hairline.
High and Low Hairlines: Some individuals are born with unnatural low or high hairlines. Sometimes individual may have this shape due to an accident or injury. These people may not be happy with the look of high hairline and if this type of hairline bothers the individuals they can seek hair transplantation as ideal option to lower hairline.
The Art and Science Of A Hair Line Design
I believe that hairline is the most visible part of head and good hairline gives you more youthful appearance. Therefore, newly created hairline should be natural looking, be aesthetically placed on right location and be appropriate to person’s facial features and age. Well experienced, artistic and skillful hand is a key to design a natural hairline. The experienced and skilled hair transplant specialist knows how this designed hairline will age as the person ages and patient will be able to appreciate a natural look in person, photograph and in a mirror. The results then will meet their facial features, sex, age, ethnic character and head shape.
Here are some key concepts to creating a natural looking hairline.
- Regular irregularity
- Undulation pattern
- Variable thickness
- Adequate direction
- Customizing ethnicity and gender
Understanding above concept a surgeon can design very natural hair line with proper density in every individual. In order to achieve ideal outcome of hairline restoration, the shape and design on the top of forehead is important as well. Every person has unique forehead shape that requires considerations. Here are some important characteristics that should be considered by a hair restoration surgeon when designing a hairline.
- Age
- Forehead shape and facial features.
- Recipient hair loss area.
- Old hairline before receding.
- Donor area flexibility and density.
- Individual’s expectations and needs.
Patient’s age, degree of hair loss, location and shape of hairline, progression of hair loss, family history, graft type and density are very important to address when lowering or reshaping hairline. The height of hairline can be determined in several ways. The central hairline can be placed 6.5 to 8 centimeters above the brow, we can use four fingers above the top of eyebrows to determine hairline. The fundamental aesthetic is forehead constitutes half the distance between eyebrows and the chin. However, there is no definite figure but person’s age, gender, ethnicity and needs are more important. To achieve most natural look and thickness, frontal full area should be divided into two zones. The anterior or transition zone should be irregular and soft. The posterior or defined zone should be more thick and definite.
The Transition Zone:
The frontal 0.5 to 1.5 cm of hairline is a transition zone. If patient has greater degree of hair loss then transition zone can be wider. This zone should not be a straight line rather it should be irregular or zigzag. This zone contains elongated triangles of single hairs with low density (10 to 18 hairs / Concentrating of placement single follicles and creating no defined line we can gain a very natural result of hairline.
The Defined Zone:
The portion behind the transition zone is called defined zone and consists around 2 to 3 cm area. The defined zone requires high density and high defined hairline for natural result. In this zone single follicles are placed with higher density (15 to 35 hairs / Implantation of single, double and triple follicles unit can accomplish both goals of density as well as natural looking hairline.